Table of Content:
1. Introduction
2. What is Game based learning
3. A 7 ways how it acts as a game changer in today’s date
Whether you are assembling the digital curriculum for your students or working on your child’s education plan, don’t forget that the most important factor should be the overall development of the child. Only discussions about modernizing curriculum are not enough, it must have the solutions that ensure the overall growth and development of the students. They must gain confidence, become creative and think critically to analyse and solve the problems. When we say solve problems, it does not restrict to the notebook questions problem solving, it means to be able to apply the skills and learning in day to day lives. The learners must be able to use the skills and knowledge that they have gained out of learning.
Keeping in mind the current pandemic situation, the need of such learning tools has increased even more. People, especially the youth is getting effected due to the restrictions like imposed social distancing. Whether it is their changed school routine or not being able to play outside, children are not able to find joy and happiness. Covid-19 has taught us a lot of things about life and how uncertain life can be. All of us have gone through various challenges. But while all this is going on, one thing that should not get effected is the quality of education that the children would get. And to ensure the same, we must include various tools and techniques in the curriculum that make the students ‘want to learn’. They must have the interest to learn, the desire to know more and for that, we must include methods that help their engagement and participation. Game based learning can be considered as one of such solutions which helps the students learn effectively as well as efficiently.
Gaming creates a dynamic that can inspire learners to develop skills and competencies as they play games with all their focus and interest. Game-based learning aims at making student’s learning experience interesting and more positive.
Furthermore, it aims at improving student commitment and engagement. Before we understand why to choose game-based learning, it is important to know what exactly does it refer to and what are the tools and techniques used in this method of learning.
What is Game-based learning?
Game based learning is an active learning technique where game characteristics and principles are embedded within learning activities. Here, games are used to promote the critical thinking and problem-solving skills of the students, including both digital and non-digital games. The learners are given different and attractive scenarios where they have to overcome the challenges and this makes their learning process interesting and also increases learner involvement. Components of game-based learning include points systems, badges, leader boards, discussion boards, quizzes and classroom response systems. This motivates the students to perform better and keeps them engaged. Based on specific learning objectives and measurable outcomes, game frameworks are designed. Research around game-based learning shows that when students learn through failure and mastery in games, they naturally develop a growth mindset. They understand and believe that they can change as well as improve their knowledge with effortful learning. So, the barrier of fixed mind set is also removed with the help of game-based leaning. The approach of learning towards students and students towards makes all the difference. Students must enjoy the whole process of learning.
Check out our blog on Blended Learning
We are living in a modern world which is dominated by technology. How can we help learners to be aware of these changes and make them flexible to adapt to these changes? The answer is simple! By including game-based leaning in their curriculum. Let us know how it acts as a game changer in today’s date.
7 ways how it acts as a game changer in today’s date
Provides safe environment
It is embarrassing and hard for the students to fail in a public setting like a classroom, especially during the adolescence period. Adolescents very quickly get conscious due to their failures. Game based learning provides a safe environment to the students for their failure. When they fail in the game environment, they try again and again with the help of experimentation until they succeed. They learn from their mistakes instead of feeling conscious. This is how they finish the process of learning without even realising and since the process involves practicing until they succeed, the learning is more effective.
Interesting and engaging
Students do not feel like they are bored as they are more engaged with their learning. Its appearance and visual attractiveness keep the student’s interest intact without letting them get distracted. When they are engaged in learning with all their attention, they are able to increase their focus and concentrate better. Lerner can easily transfer their learning from the simulated environment to real life without any difficulties.
Improve their weaknesses
Game based learning gives students the opportunity to learn from their mistakes and retry until they improve. This way, learners get to improve their weaknesses and eventually convert them into strengths. It encourages students to work harder and earn more.
Critical thinking
Students go through a lot of brainstorming sessions and think of the possible methods to overcome the challenges. This makes game-based learning a dynamic tool which not only improves the critical thinking skills of the students but also teaches them and problem-solving skills. Moreover, it makes the students creative but also makes them feel confident about themselves.
Computer & Simulation Fluency
It has become important to be aware and updated of the changing tools and technologies in this modern world. With game-based learning, students get an opportunity to acquire technical skills and knowledge. The more they use the technology, the more comfortable they get. The learning can take place in a virtual environment or a simulated environment created by augmented reality. This increases their computer and simulation fluency which is going to be very helpful them throughout their lives.
During the process of production, the game is tested and adjusted multiple times in order to ensure effective and efficient results. Changes can be made on the basis of educational information. This ensures nothing is missed in the production process and also gives the liberty to keep it adaptive and flexible as per the changes.
Games designed specifically for the purpose of educating children can motivate self-learning skills to a great extent. Students put extra efforts while learning because they actually have the desire to learn. This is what game based learning aims at- Child’s active participation.
There is a lot of hard work behind building a successful learning game. It takes a lot of time, energy and efforts in order to build a game for the students. Various factors are kept in mind and cross checked before delivering it to the students. The process involves the combined efforts of all the team members including skilled writers, game designers, artists, game architects, database developers and user interface specialists.
If the learning process used for the students is dull, they will not be able to gain any information out of it nor will they be able to acquire any skills that can help them in the real-world scenario. Is learning limited to memorising? No, learning doesn’t mean rote memorisation, but the process through which you understand how to apply the skills and knowledge you have to solve real-life problems.
It’s important for curriculum parents, teachers as well as the executives, to know exactly how much planning, efforts and hard work is put into a learning game. We hope this blog has helped you understand the importance of game-based learning.